The Most Common Mistakes New Riders Make And How To Avoid Them by 

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As a new rider, it’s easy to get excited about hitting the open road on your motorcycle. However, it’s important to remember that riding a motorcycle comes with risks and responsibilities. Unfortunately, new riders often make mistakes that can lead to accidents or other dangerous situations. In this blog, our team at will discuss some of the most common mistakes new riders make and how to avoid them.


1. Riding Beyond Your Skill Level: It’s important to ride within your skill level as a new rider. This means avoiding roads or situations that you’re not comfortable with. Stick to roads and speeds that you’re familiar with and gradually work your way up to more challenging situations. It’s also a good idea to take a motorcycle safety course to improve your riding skills.

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2. Not Wearing Proper Gear: One of the most common mistakes new riders make is not wearing the proper gear. This includes a DOT-approved helmet, riding jacket, pants, goggles, gloves, and boots. Without the proper gear, you’re putting yourself at risk for serious injuries in the event of an accident. Make sure you invest in quality gear that fits properly and is designed for motorcycle riding.


3. Not Maintaining Your Motorcycle: Regular motorcycle maintenance is essential for safe and reliable riding. New riders often neglect maintenance tasks like checking tire pressure, oil changes, and chain lubrication. Make sure you familiarize yourself with your motorcycle’s maintenance schedule and keep up with it.


4. Riding While Distracted: Distracted riding is a major cause of motorcycle accidents. As a new rider, it’s important to stay focused on the road and avoid distractions like texting, adjusting the radio, or daydreaming. Keep your eyes on the road at all times and avoid multitasking while riding.


5. Not Being Aware of Your Surroundings: It’s important to be aware of your surroundings while riding a motorcycle. New riders often focus solely on what’s directly in front of them and forget to check their mirrors or scan their surroundings. Always be aware of what’s happening around you and anticipate potential hazards or obstacles.

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6. Overestimating Your Motorcycle’s Capabilities: New riders often overestimate their motorcycle’s capabilities and push it beyond its limits. This can lead to accidents or mechanical failures. Make sure you understand your motorcycle’s limits and ride within them. Don’t attempt to do anything that could put yourself or others in danger.


7. Riding Under The Influence: Drinking or using drugs before riding a motorcycle is never a good idea. It impairs your judgment, reaction time, and overall ability to ride safely. Even a small amount of alcohol or drugs can have a significant impact on your ability to ride.


In conclusion, new riders often make mistakes that can put themselves and others at risk. By avoiding these common mistakes and practicing safe riding habits, you can enjoy your motorcycle safely and responsibly. Remember to always wear proper gear, ride within your skill level, maintain your motorcycle, stay focused on the road, be aware of your surroundings, respect your motorcycle’s capabilities, and never ride under the influence.


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Posted by Crystal Henderson