• How to Properly Break in Your New Motorcycle

    Posted by Crystal Henderson

    How to Properly Break in Your New Motorcycle by KingsMotorcycleFairings.com

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

    You've just got your hands on a brand-new motorcycle, and we know you're eager to hit the open road. However, breaking in your new bike properly is crucial for its longevity and performance. In this blog our team at KingsMotorcycleFairings.com will go over the steps to ensure your motorcycle is ready for the adventures ahead.

    1. Follow the Manufacturer's Guidelines
    Every motorcycle comes with a manual outlining the manufacturer's recommended break-in procedure. These guidelines are tailored to your specific bike, so make sure to read and follow them carefully.

    2. Vary Your Speed
    During the first 500 miles, avoid maintaining a constant speed for long periods. Vary your RPMs to help the engine parts wear in evenly. This means alternating between city driving and open-road cruising.

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

    3. Avoid High RPMs

    For the initial 500-1,000 miles, keep the RPMs low. Over-revving can cause unnecessary stress on a new engine. Gradually increase your RPMs as you approach the end of the break-in period.

    4. Change the Oil Regularly

    New engines produce more metal shavings as their parts wear together. Changing the oil at around 500 miles helps remove these particles and keeps your engine clean. Follow up with another oil change at 1,000 miles.

    5. Check the Tire Pressure and Fluid Levels

    Regularly check your tire pressure and fluid levels during the break-in period. Proper tire pressure ensures good traction and handling, while adequate fluid levels keep your engine running smoothly.

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

    6. Inspect Your Bike

    After each ride, give your bike a quick inspection. Look for loose bolts, leaks, and any other issues that might need attention. Catching problems early can prevent bigger issues down the road.

    7. Gradual Increase in Performance

    As you approach the end of the break-in period, you can start to push your bike a bit more. Gradually increase your speed and RPMs, but continue to be mindful of how the bike responds.

    8. Enjoy the Ride

    Breaking in your motorcycle doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Take this time to get to know your new bike, how it handles, and how it feels on the road. It’s all part of the experience!

    Properly breaking in your sport motorcycle ensures it performs at its best and lasts for years to come. At KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, we want you to have the best riding experience possible. Happy riding!


    The Team at KingsMotorCycleFairings.com wishes that you found this article helpful. If you have some extra time, we'd love for you to visit our online store for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!



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  • Gear Up for Your First Summer Ride!

    Posted by Crystal Henderson

    Gear Up for Your First Summer Ride with KingsMotorcycleFairings.com

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

     It's time to dust off your motorcycle and gear up for that exhilarating first summer ride. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a newbie gearing up for your inaugural adventure, proper preparation ensures a smooth and enjoyable journey. Here are some essential tips to get you ready:

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

    1. Check Your Gear: Your safety gear is your best friend on the road. Ensure your helmet, gloves, jacket, and boots are in top condition and provide adequate protection. If you're due for an upgrade, explore our range of high-quality motorcycle gear at KingsMotorcycleFairings.com to stay safe and stylish.


    2. Inspect Your Bike: Before hitting the road, give your motorcycle a thorough check. Inspect the tires for wear and proper inflation, test the brakes, check the oil level, and ensure all lights and indicators are working. A well-maintained bike not only performs better but also keeps you safe.


    3. Plan Your Route: Whether you're venturing out solo or with friends, planning your route ahead of time adds to the adventure. Consider scenic routes, pit stops for refreshments, and destinations that match your riding style. Don't forget to pack a map or have a GPS device handy.


    4. Stay Hydrated and Protected: Riding in summer means exposure to heat and sunlight. Stay hydrated by carrying water and wear sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays. Dress in breathable, moisture-wicking clothing to stay cool and comfortable throughout your journey.

    Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

    5. Be Prepared for Emergencies: Pack a basic tool kit, tire repair kit, and a first aid kit in case of unexpected mishaps. It's better to be over-prepared than stranded on the side of the road.


    6. Enjoy the Ride: Above all, embrace the freedom and thrill of riding. Let go of stress, soak in the scenery, and connect with fellow riders along the way. Summer rides are about creating memories and enjoying the open road.


    Gear up, stay safe, and make this summer ride one to remember with KingsMotorcycleFairings.com! Happy riding!


    The Team at KingsMotorCycleFairings.com wishes that you found this article helpful. If you have some extra time, we'd love for you to visit our online store for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing KitsHelmetsBootsGogglesBackpacks, & Accessories!



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  • Spring Awakening: Breathtaking Midwest Motorcycle Rides!

    Posted by Crystal Henderson

    Spring Awakening: Breathtaking Midwest Motorcycle Rides By KingsMotorcycleFairings.com

    Spring beckons motorcyclists across the Midwest. With warmer days and vibrant landscapes, it's the perfect time to explore the region's diverse offerings. From scenic lakes to charming towns, these rides offer something for everyone! Keep reading to discover some of the best Midwest motorcycle routes in the spring!


    The Great River Road 

    (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri - Over 3,000 miles):

    • Experience: Embark on a majestic journey alongside the mighty Mississippi River. This epic route winds through five states, offering a diverse landscape unlike any other in the Midwest. Cruise past towering bluffs, quaint river towns brimming with history, and iconic landmarks like the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.
    • Springtime Bonus: As spring awakens, lush greenery explodes along the riverbanks, transforming the scenery into a vibrant tapestry. Wildflowers add pops of color to meadows, creating a breathtaking spectacle for riders. Take a break and explore the charming towns along the way, soaking up the rich history and indulging in delicious local fare.


      The North Shore Scenic Drive & Lake Superior Byway

      (Minnesota, Wisconsin - Approximately 310 miles):

      • Experience: Embrace the raw, invigorating beauty of Lake Superior on this scenic route. Traverse dramatic coastlines sculpted by glaciers, stopping to admire historic lighthouses standing sentinel over the vastness of the lake. Explore cascading waterfalls that tumble into the cool waters and charming harbor towns steeped in maritime history.
      • Springtime Bonus: The crisp spring air provides a refreshing contrast to the cool lake breeze, making for an invigorating ride. The ever-changing colors of the lake add a dynamic element to the scenery. Witness the dramatic transition from icy blues to vibrant turquoise hues as the winter's grip loosens.


        The Tunnel of Trees

         (Michigan) - A Mystical 22-Mile Escape):

        • Experience: Cruise beneath a dense canopy of trees on this iconic Michigan route. Sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a dappled light on the road for a truly unique riding experience.
        • Springtime Bonus: Witness the vibrant green foliage replace the winter canopy, adding a touch of magic to your ride.


        Spring paints the Midwest in a vibrant palette, and these motorcycle routes offer the perfect way to experience its beauty. From majestic rivers and dramatic coastlines to rolling hills and charming towns, there's an adventure waiting for every rider. So, fire up your engine, breathe in the fresh air, and explore the wonders of the awakening Midwest!

        Remember: Spring weather can be unpredictable. Dress in layers, check weather forecasts, and be prepared for sudden changes.


        The Team at KingsMotorCycleFairings.com wishes that you found this article helpful. If you have some extra time, we'd love for you to visit our online store for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing KitsHelmetsBootsGogglesBackpacks, & Accessories!



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      • Planning Your Custom Motorcycle Project

        Posted by Crystal Henderson

        Planning Your Custom Motorcycle Project by KingsMotorcycleFairings.com

         Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

        Ever dreamed of cruising down the road on a motorcycle unlike any other? One that reflects your unique style and personality, built with your own two hands? Building a custom motorcycle from scratch might seem daunting, but with the right guidance and quality parts, it's an achievable and incredibly rewarding journey. Here at KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, we're passionate about empowering riders to turn their visions into reality, so buckle up as we guide you through the exciting world of custom bike building!


        Step 1: Laying the Foundation - Define Your Dream Machine

        Before diving into tools and parts, envision your ideal motorcycle. Ask yourself:

          • What riding style do I crave? (Sport bike, cruiser, cafe racer, chopper, etc.)
          • What performance characteristics are important to me? (Speed, handling, comfort)
          • What aesthetic speaks to my soul? (Classic, modern, minimalist)

        Sketching your ideas and researching similar builds can solidify your vision and help you source the right components.



        Step 2: Frame & Foundation - The Backbone of Your Beast

        The frame is your bike's skeleton, so choose wisely. You can:

          • Start with a pre-built frame: Offers a solid foundation and simplifies the process.
          • Fabricate your own: Requires advanced metalworking skills but grants ultimate customization.

        Remember, frame selection dictates many other component choices, so choose carefully!


        Step 3: Powering Up - Choosing the Right Engine

        The engine is the heart of your machine. Consider:

          • Displacement and power: Align with your desired performance and riding style.
          • Compatibility with your chosen frame: Ensure seamless integration.
          • Source: New or used? New offers reliability, while used can be budget-friendly.

        KingsMotorcycleFairings.com offers a wide selection of performance parts to fine-tune your engine's personality.


         Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

        Step 4: Dressing Up Your Ride - Bodywork & Fairings

        This is where your aesthetic vision truly comes to life! At KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, we offer:

          • Premium fairings for popular motorcycle models: Enhance performance and personalize your style.
          • Universal fairings: Create a one-of-a-kind look with endless customization options.
          • High-quality materials: Ensure durability and a flawless finish.

        Remember, proper fitment is crucial, so choose fairings compatible with your frame and riding style.


        Step 5: The Final Touches - Personalization & Safety

        Don't forget the details! Suspension, wheels, brakes, lighting, and accessories bring your vision to completion. Prioritize safety with high-quality components and ensure everything complies with local regulations.


        Building a custom motorcycle is an unforgettable journey. With dedication, the right parts, and a little help from KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, you can turn your dream machine into reality. Remember, the road to a one-of-a-kind ride starts with a spark of inspiration and a willingness to get your hands dirty. So, unleash your inner engineer, grab your tools, and start building the motorcycle that defines you!


        Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered professional advice. Always consult with qualified professionals and ensure you possess the necessary skills and knowledge before undertaking any motorcycle modifications.


        The Team at KingsMotorCycleFairings.com wishes that you found this article helpful. If you have some extra time, we'd love for you to visit our online store for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing KitsHelmetsBootsGogglesBackpacks, & Accessories!



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      • The Impact of Motorcycle Fairings on Fuel Efficiency

        Posted by Crystal Henderson

        The Impact of Motorcycle Fairings on Fuel Efficiency by KingsMotorcycleFairings.com

         Visit KingsMotorcycleFairings.com for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!

        When it comes to the world of motorcycles, enthusiasts are constantly seeking ways to enhance performance, speed, and efficiency. One often overlooked aspect that plays a significant role in a motorcycle's efficiency is its fairings. At KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, we understand the importance of every component in optimizing your riding experience. In this blog post, we'll explore the impact of motorcycle fairings on fuel efficiency.


        Streamlined Aerodynamics:

        Motorcycle fairings are not just aesthetic additions; they serve a crucial purpose in improving the aerodynamics of the bike. By reducing air resistance, fairings enable the motorcycle to cut through the wind more efficiently. This streamlined design minimizes drag, allowing the bike to achieve higher speeds with less effort. Consequently, the engine doesn't have to work as hard to propel the motorcycle forward, ultimately leading to improved fuel efficiency.


        Wind Protection:

        Apart from aiding in aerodynamics, fairings also provide essential wind protection for the rider. Riding at high speeds exposes the motorcycle and its rider to substantial wind force. Fairings act as a shield, redirecting the wind away from the rider and creating a smoother riding experience. This not only enhances comfort but also reduces the rider's resistance against the wind, contributing to fuel efficiency.


        Reduced Turbulence:

        Motorcycles without fairings tend to create turbulent air patterns around the engine and other exposed parts. This turbulence can disrupt the airflow and lead to increased drag. Fairings, however, help in directing air smoothly around the motorcycle, reducing turbulence. The result is a more stable and controlled ride, requiring less fuel to maintain speed and momentum.


        Weight Considerations:

        While fairings are primarily designed for aerodynamics, their material and design can also impact the overall weight of the motorcycle. Modern fairings are often crafted from lightweight materials, minimizing the additional load on the bike. A lighter motorcycle demands less energy to accelerate and maintain speed, positively affecting fuel efficiency.


        In the pursuit of enhancing motorcycle performance, riders should not underestimate the impact of fairings on fuel efficiency. At KingsMotorcycleFairings.com, we offer a range of high-quality fairings designed to not only elevate the aesthetics of your ride but also contribute to a more fuel-efficient and enjoyable experience on the road. Investing in well-designed fairings is not just about style; it's about unlocking the full potential of your motorcycle's performance while being mindful of fuel consumption. Ride efficiently, ride stylishly with KingsMotorcycleFairings.com.


        The Team at KingsMotorCycleFairings.com wishes that you found this article helpful. If you have some extra time, we'd love for you to visit our online store for the largest selection of quality Motorcycle Fairing Kits, Helmets, Boots, Goggles, Backpacks, & Accessories!



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